The Community Seeker

This lesson is a look at who we are as a community with the intent of helping us draw closer to one another.

Recently, the man in our community who helps people find us on the web asked me for help. To help him design google campaigns, he wanted me to define the people for whom NRCC is a fit. “Who comes here and stays,” he asked.  ”What kind of people find NRCC good for their souls?” So for an hour or so, he asked me questions and feverishly typed out what I said. Together we came up with four personae (plural for “persona…”  who knew?) who find Life at NRCC…

The Community Seeker [THIS WEEK]
The Religious Deconstructor  (and it’s companion the Religious Constructor)
The Disillusioned Church Veteran
The Wilderness Wanderer

These are precious people, and this lesson will help us understand each other, and help us help one another move forward on our journeys.

Have a listen,

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4/03/11) False Negatives

message by Robin Camu

“Grace seems to create the very emptiness that grace alone can fill.” – Richard Rohr

We all begin our spiritual life as either a false positive or a false negative, but we don’t have to remain there. Are you still a false negative of worthiness?

God has instilled in everything (including us) an inherent worth, but sometimes we get in the way of that. He has told us not to call unholy what He has made holy or to call unloved what He has called loved. But how do we change our view?

Have a listen to learn more.


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(3/27/11) The Clutch of Death (Epilogue)

Today, we conclude our lesson on “The Clutch of Death” with these remarks on how the beliefs, sensibilities, and expectations of our families-of-origin can act as the greatest block to our soul’s freedom.

In Luke 14, several paragraphs after Jesus introduced the idea of the death clutch, he talked about how the love of “our people,” often wraps us in a set of belief and behaviors that condemn us to keep chasing the attachments and agendas that suffocate true life.

Few things inform our unconscious instincts as deeply as the primal relationships from which we come. “The Way Things Are,” usually comes to us in the voice of father, mother, or some other person of visceral importance in our lives.

To be truly free, we must come to a place where we see these beliefs for the beliefs they are. We may continue to hold them, or we may decide to set them aside. However, we can do neither, until we see our beliefs as beliefs. What we believe, we can decide to un-believe. But as long as we can’t see them, they remain powerfully deterministic programs running in the background of our lives.

Have a listen.


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(3/20/11) The Clutch of Death (part 6)

One of the ancient spiritual paths goes by an old name…

It means to put to death.  Once we see that our false narratives, our faulty Life-Stories are strangling the life out of us, we want to turn the tables and put that clutching instinct to death itself. Historically, spiritual people have done that by killing off the passions they associate with those attachments.

The traditional use of the practice is always voluntary.  But what about those times when we are involuntarily forced into being without this thing, that person, or the other circumstance that we have come to believe we cannot be happy without?  Can we apply this ancient practice to an involuntary season of “Lent?”

Have a listen,
I’ll talk about a friend of mine who has involuntarily been forced into a “vow of poverty” by an extended season of unemployment.  Can he benefit from involuntary mortification, just as the ancients tell us we can from a voluntary one?


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(3/13/11) The Clutch of Death (part 5)

Look at the ravens, Jesus said.  They’re free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description. They’re care-free in the care of God…   And you!  You count far more.

As we’re considering how to experience the freedom and connection to Divine Life Jesus taught was ours to have, we are considering how to dismantle the faulty narratives that run our lives.  Jesus teaches us to be present to each moment, not borrowing troubles from tomorrow, nor borrowing regrets from yesterday.

In this lesson I’ll continue to encourage you to keep asking questions.  When negative emotions surface, ask yourself what belief is driving your reaction.  When positive emotions are your experience, ask yourself if you could live without the thing that has given you the good feeling.

And in the end, our framing narratives become truer and truer, and we live in greater and greater degrees of love, Divine Life, peace, and freedom.

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(3/6/11) The Clutch of Death (part 4)

As we continue our lesson on the Clutch of Death, we come to where we’ve been heading from the beginning…  one of Jesus’ lessons from Luke 12.  It’s a section in which Jesus teaches how easily our interior narratives derail us into chasing after things which in the end don’t satisfy, don’t fulfill us.

We said last week that we are made of star-dust and God-dust.  The star-dust part lends itself to empirical study.  The God-dust part is just another way of talking about being made in the Divine image. Other ways of saying the same thing are “the indwelling Holy Spirit” and so forth. In essence, we’re saying that the Fruit of the Divine Spirit… fulfillment, satisfaction, peace, joy, and happiness are already in us for God’s Spirit is in us. The very essence of our humanity is Divine in origin and so it is helpful when we frame the spiritual journey as a process by which we dismantle the illusory narratives that keep us from experiencing this truest self; our truest humanity.

In this lesson, I’ll encourage you to keep asking questions of the Divine Inner Voice, asking how it is that your Life-Narrative derails you, how your Story has become untrue, how your Story is keeping you from the deepest longings of your truest self.

Have a listen.


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(2/27/11) The Clutch of Death (part 3)

Today we continue our lesson “The Clutch of Death.”  We’ve seen how we tend to clutch at people, things, and circumstances at the expense of our freedom and connecting to our truest, Divine selves.

We do this because our “Life-Stories,” the narratives that drive our instincts, actions and reactions are faulty.  They drive us, compel us, but don’t purchase us freedom.

At the core of the “ultimacy” stories, is what we believe about God.  Even if we don’t believe there is a God, God (or the absence of God) figures heavily in our framing narratives about “The Way Things Are.”

If our view of God was rooted in a childhood world of magic, or parents…  if our view of God is tainted by an absent father, a demanding coach, or some other faulty projection, we pollute our Stories, and our freedom, our peace, our well-being is stolen away.

In this lesson, I ask you to spend some time thinking about what you think about God. What do you believe about God? What instincts kick in when you try and access God?

Have a listen.

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(2/20/11) The Clutch of Death (part 2)

How does one begin the journey from a Life-Story that breeds stress, anxiety, pressure, and “the clutch of death,” to a Life-Story that breeds peace, freedom, Life and Light?

The ancients designed a practice just for that.  It’s called “detachment.”  It’s the practice of willingly laying down some attachment, some pleasure, some desire that has taken up an inordinate ranking in our values.  We lay it down for the purpose of having our spiritual sight reconditioned to be able to see what we would otherwise miss…  to find the Truth that affords us freedom.

Lent is traditionally a time when people practice detachment.

Have a listen.

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(2/13/11) The Clutch of Death (part 1)

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The deep quest of the human heart is for freedom and Divine Life. The problem is that we get so easily distracted from this quest by impulses and instincts that bubble up from inside us. We all carry around Life-Stories, or framing narratives that dictate our actions, reactions, instincts, and values. When those framing stories are faulty, we live lives driven by illusions. This is the antithesis of freedom and Divine Life.

Getting our Life-Stories truer and truer… this is the spiritual journey. In this introductory week, we frame the discussion for the lesson.

Have a listen.Doug

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